Strategic Plan

New Mexico Arts 2024 - 2029 Strategic Plan

New Mexico Arts worked in collaboration with SV Pratt Creative Strategies to develop the agency’s five-year plan with input from stakeholders across New Mexico, feedback from colleagues and peers around the country, consideration of regional and national state arts agency trends, and with the goal of dynamically supporting the continuously evolving arts and culture sector in New Mexico and beyond while positioning NMA for future growth.

This plan—rooted in long standing values—frames MNA’s next phase of innovation within four overarching goals: 

1) Center equity, accessibility, and inclusion in all programs and policies.

2) Deliver responsive, impactful, and sustainable programs.

3) Effectively communicate the value of arts in community.

4) Align agency to support strategic goals.

We welcome your feedback on this living document as we work together to ensure all New Mexicans have access to arts programs and services that represent the broad range of cultural expression in our diverse and beautiful state.

Click here to read the NMA 2024 – 2029 Strategic Plan.

Click here to answer four short questions and share your thoughts on the NMA 2024 – 2029 Strategic Plan.

Prior Strategic Plans

Page header image, Persist, Repeat, Reflect by Joanna Keene

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